2024 Festival of the Arts@Charbonneau
Join us October 11-13, 2024, in the Village at Charbonneau in Wilsonville, Oregon,
for “Arts with Flair”, the 40th Charbonneau Festival of the Arts.
This year’s festival will include a Fine Art Gallery and Artist and Artisan Booth Show (inside booths), student artwork from area high schools, and our always popular silent auction fundraiser. Fee information, requirements, and key dates are included on the registration pages but here are few important upfront facts:
Fine Artists from throughout the Northwest will display their creations in the Fine Art Gallery. The call-to-artists has closed for 2024, but watch this space in April of 2025 for details on next year’s festival.
Emerging Artists. We will feature two emerging artists in the 2024 Fine Art Gallery. Registrations are now closed.
Artist and Artisan Booth Show will feature artists and artisans from throughout the Northwest. It will be a perfect opportunity to get a head-start on holiday shopping.
To provide a venue for the appreciation and promotion of visual arts, performing arts, and other fine arts; create opportunity for local public high school students to exhibit and demonstrate their art; and to raise funds in order to provide ongoing support for the public school arts programs in the Wilsonville and Canby areas of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Opening Night Celebration. Tickets are on sale now in the Charbonneau Activity Center and on this website.
Jazz @ Charbonneau returns in 2025.
Address for Event: The event will take place both in the Charbonneau Country Club Clubhouse and the Charbonneau Activity Center, 32000 Charbonneau Dr., Wilsonville, OR 97070.
Apply to Exhibit
Registration is now closed.
Event Schedule
Booth Show opens 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Friday, October 11. The Opening Night Celebration opens 6:00 pm-9:00 pm for with tickets on sale beginning in September. Saturday, October 12, and Sunday, October 13, admission is free to the public.
The Fine Art Gallery artist check-in and Artisan Booth setup instructions and details will be provided directly to juried-in entrants.
GALA Opening Night Celebration
Friday October 11, 6-9pm
Charbonneau Festival of the Arts opens Friday, October 11, with the ever popular Opening Night Celebration in the Activities Center. Small bites will be passed, and champagne will be poured to the sounds of guitarist Kevin Karrick in the Hazel Glade Room, while the Silent Auction opens for bidders in the Kalapuya Room next door.
Until October 8th, you can purchase your tickets for $5.00 online tickets (now) or at the Activity Desk (beginning September 9th). After October 8th, tickets will be $10 at the door.
Fine Art Gallery & Artisan Booth Show
We will present the amazing art of so many who apply every year. All except student participants are juried. Buyers come from throughout the Portland and Willamette Valley areas of Oregon. The event is advertised and promoted in Portland metropolitan area newspapers and newsletters, through numerous County Art networks, and via Facebook and Instagram ads and public relations activities. Find out further details when registering on Zapplication.org. See button above to register.
“Art In” schedule and instructions will be provided after acceptance.

Emerging Artists
Charbonneau Arts Association annually invites adult art students to exhibit at the Charbonneau Festival of the Arts, Each student artist may submit one framed painting for display as part of an “Emerging Artists” section in the Fine Art Gallery. The Registration for 2024 has closed.
Our Student Art Gallery
Supporting student art and artists is a major purpose for our annual festival. Art teachers from Canby and Wilsonville High Schools set up an amazing display of their students’ creations in the Lewis & Clark rooms upstairs in the Charbonneau Activity Center.
Don’t Miss the always popular Silent Auction. Friday evening only as a part of our Opening Night Celebration!
We are hopeful that our artists, artisans, and local business donors will be able to contribute in some way again this year. With everyone’s safety in mind, we plan to launch once again our very popular auction beginning at the Opening Night Celebration.
More about all this very soon.
If you have any questions, contact us at info@charbonneauarts.org.