Above: Grant awards presented this year to Canby and Wilsonville High Schools in the amount of $4,000 each. These are proceeds from this year’s Charbonneau Arts Festival 2019. At the Awards reception, awards were graciously received with inspirational thanks given by each. Here pictured are L-R: Jennifer Dorsey, Art Teacher, Canby High School; Eric Hoem, President, Charbonneau Arts Association; Christopher Shotola-Hardt, Angenette Escobar, and Charlie Hyman, Art Teachers at Wilsonville High School.

Each year the Charbonneau Arts Association hosts a reception to make its cash award to the two art education programs it supports, this year held January 12, 2020, at the Country Club. This year proceeds from our fund-raising—primarily the annual Charbonneau Arts Festival—provided the resources to donate $4,000 each to the art programs at Canby and Wilsonville High Schools.

Art education is an important part of public high school education,but it has gotten less funding in recent years, so our organization has devoted its fund-raising efforts to help.Remarks by the teachers at our reception indicated how our funds are being used.

Christopher Shotola-Hardt, Art Instructor at Wilsonville High School presents Eric Hoem, President, Charbonneau Arts Association, with a special thank you card from the students at Wilsonville High School. The card includes original artwork from the students in sincerely gratitude for the many decades of support Charbonneau Arts has given to supporting their high school arts programs.


At Wilsonville High School, nearly 500 students take art classes each semester, reports teacher Christopher Shotola-Hardt.“This last year we used the funds we got from Charbonneau to bring in an expert in mural painting to guide our students in a major design project for a robotics fair being held at Wilsonville High,” he said.Ultimately, their display was shown at the Evergreen Air Museum in McMinnville.

Canby High School art teacher, Jennifer Dorsey, said that they serve more than 600 students in art education classes.With past donations from the Charbonneau Art Association, the Canby HS art program has funded field trips and purchased equipment that is not possible with their ordinary funding.

Dorsey also explained that, “Recently a portion of the donation has gone into our CHS Visual Arts Scholarship for a graduating CHS student who is majoring in Visual Art in college.”

Written by: Eric Hoem, President, Charbonneau Arts Association, for the Charbonneau Villager, Feb 2020