Press Release. 4.27.19
Eric Hoem, President, Charbonneau Arts Association
One of the challenges facing any organization is succession. Periodically there needs to be a change-over in personnel in order to maintain the level of energy needed to accomplish the organization’s goals and also to avoid burning out volunteers and so losing their involvement.
The Charbonneau Arts Association is beginning to face that challenge at the level of its Board of Directors. Very fortunately, talented individuals are stepping forward to continue the efforts of those rotating off.This is the way that organizational renewal and continuation can be achieved.

Dick Miller, Charbonneau artist
Case in point: Dick Miller, one of original Board members retired last month.As an artist and retired engineer, Dick brought a unique set of skills to our organization.His sensible approach and well-grounded advice will be missed.
Very fortunately, Elaine Swyt has agreed to join the Board of Directors. Like Dick she is an artist—in her case, fine photography—and she brings a 48-year career in private and public sector to our Association.
Elaine is no stranger in Charbonneau. Currently, she is Editor of the website and she serves on the Communications Engagement Task Force for the Country Club. Elaine is also Communications Board Director for both the Charbonneau Women’s Association and Boys & Girls Aid, Cypress Auxiliary.
Elaine is no stranger to us either. She has worked on our annual Charbonneau Arts Festival since 2013, serving as Silent Auction Chair. She has grown our silent auction into a major fund-raiser for us. In addition, Elaine has exhibited her photography in the Gallery portion of the Festival and has earned People’s Choice awards twice.
Elaine has also been our webmaster since starting our website in 2013, and she has continued to volunteer as its administrator. Check out her work and our organization at As a member of our Board of Directors, Elaine will focus on communications more broadly, incorporating social media and consistent branding.
In preparing this article, I asked Elaine for background information, and I learned some interesting information I had not known or even guessed. She mentioned that her interests are photography, travel, and genealogy, then added this tidbit: “I’m my family’s genealogist and all that can be tracked back to the early 1600’s.” That is a ways back, indeed.
But wait, as they say, there’s more.Elaine next said, “In the past, my interests were hang gliding, glider soaring, and sky-diving.” Really, Elaine? Hang gliding and sky-diving? I’m impressed. Her personal highlight moments included flying on the Concorde supersonically from New York to London and a personal audience (also with husband, Joe) with Pope John Paul II in 2005.
As I said at the start, welcoming people into our organization is essential in maintaining creativity and energy for serving our mission. Besides our Board of Directors, volunteers help with the Art Festival Organizing Committee or with our weekend event, this year November 1, 2, and 3 in the Country Club. If interested, contact me at